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Upcoming Events

Celebration Sunday

Join us for a Celebration Sunday Service on September 8th beginning at 10:45 am in the sanctuary! This will be a day of celebrating all the that the Lord is doing here at Nall. We will have multiple baptisms and welcome new members into our church family.

After the worship service we will continue celebrating with lunch, fellowship, and inflatables for everyone to enjoy!

The Art of Neighboring

Beginning Sunday, September 8th, there will be a special Core Group study on the Art of Neighboring starting at 9:30 am in room D108.

In this study we we will ask the question, “What comes to mind when you think about your neighbors?” Maybe you don’t know them very well or, if you’re honest, maybe you think the lady across the street is a strange. For many of us, it can be tempting to keep our distance and mind our own business in our neighborhood. But is that really how God wants us to live? As followers of Jesus, we’ve been called to love both God and our neighbors. It’s easier said than done, but if we push past the fear, time barriers, and pride that can keep us from engaging with others, we can build deep connections with the people in our neighborhood and, most importantly, please God.

In this four-session study based on their book The Art of Neighboring, Jay Pathak and Dave Runyon help us focus on the people within our neighborhood and learn what it means to be a good neighbor. We will discuss the importance of pushing through the uncomfortable feelings that come with communicating, investing in, and caring for the people who live near us. What would our communities look like if we took Jesus’s command to love our neighbors as ourselves seriously? 

Kid’s Ministry

Our Kid’s Ministry is for kids 3 years of age through 6th grade. Whether kid’s are gathering on Sunday Morning for Kid’s Core Group or Wednesday Night for Team Kid, they are gathering in a loving environment where the message of the Gospel is present in teachings and in their leader’s actions. Kid’s Ministry meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am and Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm.

Student Ministry

Our Student Ministry connects 7th through 12th graders with other Christians and challenges them to honor God with their lives. It also teaches non-believing teenagers about the abundant life in Christ. The teens are given ownership of the ministry. They have a large role in the decision-making and production of our activities and service to others. This ownership role helps develop commitment and leadership, as well as strengthens the teens’ personal and spiritual growth. Our student ministry meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am and Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm.

Request use of facilities

If you are interested in requesting the use of the church facilities, please fill out this online form to contact staff.