Any student attending a NABC Student Ministry event needs to have a current a NABC Student Event Form on file.

For more information about any of the events listed below, contact Lewis Jones, Associate Pastor, 913-432-4141 /

Sunday Core Group

Sundays, 9:30 am, in the Youth Room.

High school and middle school students will have some fun hang-out time with The Question of the Day and some great teaching from the Word and studying through The Gospel Project.

Wednesday Night Study

Wednesdays, 6:30 pm - Our Fall study is, The Life of Jesus, in the Youth Room.

This Fall, the Student Ministry will be going through a study on the life of Jesus together!

Each week students will be looking at the Gospel of Mark and discussing how the truth’s he taught and his life’s example for us, still apply to our world and students today.

The student ministry will meet weekly from 6:30 - 8:00pm in the NABC Youth Room.

For more information contact Lewis Jones, Associate Pastor.